Friday, December 4, 2009

Back To Reality

Sigh...last week at this same time I was sitting on the beach, pina colada in hand, soaking up the sun with my hubby (honeymoon post and pics to come). Now, at the close of a long week, I'm already feeling like I need to recuperate from the emotional drain of some heartbreaking situations I've witnessed at work. Long sigh again.

But, I've decided in the last couple of months, despite all the tragic news heard from what surrounds us or from the media, I want to look at what is positive, what I am grateful for, and to really savor the many blessings in my life (which I have always done, but now want to do with a new and more focused spirit).

I wish for myself, my family, friends, community, and the world:


I found this picture when I was rifling through an old box of photos. I had spent a weekend with friends at a lakefront cabin in Maine about 8 years ago and the cabin's owner engraved stones as a hobby. The inside of the cabin, as well as the landscape around, was littered with these little treasures. Each one we found was a surprise. They each had a different saying. I guess this one really spoke to me because I took a picture of it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey- you are all linked up! Awesome!!!
    by the way...your treats truly ROCKED! they were the talk of the office yesterday!
