Saturday, January 2, 2010

10 Things

10 things I hope (with all my heart and faith) to accomplish and experience in the coming year:

*  create, sustain, and nurture life with my wonderfully amazing husband (aka...I really want to be a Mom!)
*  pay off credit card debt
*  be a fearless knitter--I will knit fair isle and cables
*  really learn to relax (hence my newest blog
*  find a career I'm passionate about (or at least figure out what that career might be)
*  maximize the space in my tiny townhouse
*  plant a happy garden
*  reconnect with old (and new) friends more often
*  drink more herbal tea
*  write, write, write (good stuff, bad stuff, poetry, writer hasn't been out to play in so long, it's time to reemerge!)


  1. Hi Sherri!
    Happy New YEar to You my friend!! I love this entry...may all your dreams/hopes come true this year.
    i'm heading over to your new blog.
    See you next week.
    ~j :)

  2. yay!!!!
    i enjoy every single one of your ten things.
    let me tell you, it does work when you write down all of these thoughts and better, this act make it easier for them to come true.
    big yes and good wishes to you!
